Kollektivtrafikens strategiska styrning och omställningsförmåga
Publications linked to this project
Introducing renewable fuel in public bus transport – challenges and opportunities
Malin Aldenius, International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport – 2017 - Stockholm, Sweden - Thredbo 15
Grön offentlig upphandling i transportsektorn
Jamil Khan, Jenny Palm, Malin Aldenius, Fredrik Backman & Henrik Norinder, rapport från ett f3-projekt, april 2017.
Influence of public bus transport organisation on the introduction of renewable fuel
Malin Aldenius, Research in Transportation Economics, 2018.
Strategic use of green public procurement in the bus sector: Challenges and opportunities
Malin Aldenius & Jamil Khan,Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017.
The role of environmental requirements in Swedish public procurement of bus transports
Malin Aldenius, Panagiota Tsaxiri, and Helene Lidestam. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, january 2021
Electric buses in England and Sweden – Overcoming barriers to introduction
Malin Aldenius, Caroline Mullen & Fredrik Pettersson-Löfstedt. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 2022.
Constructing Transit Corridors: The Politics of Public Transport Policy and Planning in Malmöhus and Skåne 1970-2020
Jens Portinson Hylander, doctoral thesis, Lund University, December 2021
Strategic use of green public procurement in the bus sector: Challenges and opportunities
Malin Aldenius, Jamil Khan, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 164, 15 October 2017, Pages 250-257