Here, you will find scientific articles related to K2’s research projects, as well as K2’s own report series, books, policy briefs, and similar materials. K2 publishes two report series under its own name: K2 Outreach, a series of popular science summaries aimed at industry professionals, and K2 Working Paper, which includes reports often presenting findings from specific projects.
K2 reports
En ny giv för kollektivtrafiken? En kartläggning och fallstudie av nya europeiska statliga subventioner och nationella biljettsystem för kollektivtrafik
Scenarioanalyser med kollektivtrafik – tillämpning av Munkmodellen vid planering för lokalt resande
Kollektivtrafik on-demand i Sverige – en kartläggning av nydanande former av anropsstyrd kollektivtrafik
The Transition to Electric Buses in Public Transport – Lessons learned from Sweden, Norway, and the Netherlands
How to plan a door-to-door public transport journey
Science articles
Everyday leisure travel – Understanding car use for social and recreational trip purposes
Examining senior citizens in public transport: The role of digitalization, environmental concern, and traveler satisfaction
What motivates consumers to adopt controversial green mobility innovations? The case of shared e-bikes and e-scooters
Handling social considerations and the needs of different groups in public transport planning: a review of definitions, methods, and knowledge gaps
Potential of demand responsive transport for young people in Sweden
Handbook of Transportation and Public Policy
Social Media Integration in Public Transportation: A Case Study of Sweden
Barns rätt till kollektivtrafik – barnperspektiv och barns perspektiv i kollektivtrafikplaneringen
Inequalities in access to bike-and-ride opportunities: Findings for the city of Malmö
Modelling and Simulating Demand-Responsive Transport