Framtidens integrerade och adaptiva kollektivtrafik

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Publications linked to this project

Potential of demand responsive transport for young people in Sweden

Chunli Zhao, Mengtian Xue & Zahra Hamidi, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, June 2024.

Stated opinions and potential travel with DRT – a survey covering three different age groups

Å. Jevinger & and H. Svensson, Transportation Planning and Technology, April 2024

Efterfrågestyrd kollektivtrafik – systemeffekter och acceptans

Jan A. Persson, Åse Jevinger, Paul Davidsson, Sergei Dytckov, Fabian Lorig, Helena Svensson och Chunli Zhao, K2 Outreach 2023:1

Effektivare kollektivtrafik genom interaktiva DRT-tjänster

John Iversen och Adam Nilsson, kandidatuppsats, juni 2020.

Information flows in Demand Responsive Public Transport: Interactivity, information, and flexibility in a modern ridesharing service

Oscar Askfelt and Karl Hamnebo, Malmö University, Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), spring 2021.

An Individual-based Simulation Approach to Demand Responsive Transport

Sergei Dytckov, Fabian Lorig, Johan Holmgren, Paul Davidsson, and Jan A Persson. Conference paper. 4th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems, Virtual Event, December, 2020

Potential Benefits of Demand Responsive Transport in Rural Areas: A Simulation Study in Lolland, Denmark

Sergei Dytckov, Jan A. Persson, Fabian Lorig & Paul Davidsson. Sustainability. March 2022.

Modelling Commuting Activities for the Simulation of Demand Responsive Transport in Rural Areas

Sergei Dytckov, Fabian Lorig, Paul Davidsson, Johan Holmgren and Jan A Persson, International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, November 2020