Betydelsen av förändrad tillgänglighet till kollektivtrafik: Kombinerade metoder i praktiken

English translation unavailable for Betydelsen av förändrad tillgänglighet till kollektivtrafik: Kombinerade metoder i praktiken.

Publications linked to this project

Border controls and (im)mobilities: experiences from a public transport node

Vanessa Stjernborg, Mobilities, June 2024

Triggers for feelings of insecurity and perceptions of safety in relation to public transport; the experiences of young and active travellers

Vanessa Stjernborg, Applied Mobilities, February 2024

How accessibility to schools is not (just) a transport problem: the case of public school choice in the city of Malmö, Sweden

Aaron Nichols & Jean Ryan, European Transport Research, November 2023

Sustainability in practice: A governmentality study about transit‐oriented development in rural areas

Freja Lina Huhle, master thesis, Malmö University, 2021

(O)trygghet, mobilitet och strategier – En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors upplevelser av (o)trygghet på Hyllie station

Sofia Rutberg, examensarbete, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2021

Upplevd otrygghet i anknytning till kollektivtrafiken i Malmö

Vanessa Stjernborg och Sofia Rutberg, K2 Working paper 2021:13

A study of changes in everyday mobility during the Covid-19 pandemic: As perceived by people living in Malmö, Sweden

Helena Bohman, Jean Ryan, Vanessa Stjernborg, Désirée Nilsson, Transport Policy, June 2021