
K2 publishes reports of various kinds, mostly in Swedish. Filter "Articles" for English.


Integrating shared e-scooters as the feeder to public transit: A comparative analysis of 124 European cities

Aoyong Li a b, Kun Gao, Pengxiang Zhao, Kay W. Axhausen, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, March 2024

Has collaboration contributed to goal achievement in Swedish public transport?

Roger Pyddoke och Karin Thoresson,Thredbo 17 Conference - Special Issue: Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, June 2023

The Downside of Upkeep: Analysing Railway Infrastructure Maintenance Impact on Train Operations in Sweden

Daria Ivina & Carl-William Palmqvist, applied sciences, December 2023

How accessibility to schools is not (just) a transport problem: the case of public school choice in the city of Malmö, Sweden

Aaron Nichols & Jean Ryan, European Transport Research, November 2023

Spatiotemporal accessibility by public transport and time wealth: Insights from two peripheral neighbourhoods in Malmö, Sweden

Chiara Vitrano &Linnea Mellquist, Sage Journals, 2022

The importance of recurring public transport delays for accessibility and mode choice

Aaron Nichols, Jean Ryan, Carl-William Palmqvist, Journal of Transport Geography Volume 115, February 2024

Understanding dwell times using automatic passenger count data: A quantile regression approach

Ruben Kuipers, Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 29, March 2024

Integrate, not compete! On Potential Integration of Demand Responsive Transport Into Public Transport Network

Sergei Dytckov, Paul Davidsson & Jan A. Persson, 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023,