
K2 publishes reports of various kinds, mostly in Swedish. Filter "Articles" for English.


Has collaboration contributed to goal achievement in Swedish public transport?

Roger Pyddoke and Karin Thoresson. K2 Working paper 2022:5

Patronage effects of off-peak service improvements in regional public transport

Joel Hansson, Fredrik Pettersson-Löfstedt, Helena Svensson & Anders Wretstrand. European Transport Research Review. May, 2022.

Information flows in Demand Responsive Public Transport: Interactivity, information, and flexibility in a modern ridesharing service

Oscar Askfelt and Karl Hamnebo, Malmö University, Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), spring 2021.

An Individual-based Simulation Approach to Demand Responsive Transport

Sergei Dytckov, Fabian Lorig, Johan Holmgren, Paul Davidsson, and Jan A Persson. Conference paper. 4th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems, Virtual Event, December, 2020

Being innovative, fun, and green? Hedonic and environmental motivations in the use of green innovations

Phil Justice Flores & Johan Jansson. Journal of Marketing Management. February 2022.

SPICe—Determinants of consumer green innovation adoption across domains: A systematic review of marketing journals and suggestions for a research agenda

Phil Justice Flores & Johan Jansson. International Journal of Consumer studies. March 2022.

The Effects of Train Passes on Dwell Time Delays in Sweden

Kah Yong Tiong, Carl-William Palmqvist & Nils O. E. Olsson. Applied Sciences. March 2022.

Potential Benefits of Demand Responsive Transport in Rural Areas: A Simulation Study in Lolland, Denmark

Sergei Dytckov, Jan A. Persson, Fabian Lorig & Paul Davidsson. Sustainability. March 2022.