Healthy Streets: Redefining the role of a transport authority to create an active city

Healthy Streets: Redefining the role of a transport authority to create an active city

The provision of seamless public transport as a whole journey from door-to-door raises a number of organisational issues. While there is no single 'best' organisational model to overcome these issues in all contexts, it has been suggested that having a 'lead' organisation or overarching authority with overall responsibility for coordinating urban transport is advantageous for seamless travel. Transport for London (TfL) is a prime example of a lead organisation with overarching authority. TfL is responsible for almost all of London’s public transport and for delivering the Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS). A definining theme of the present MTS is the ’Healthy Streets’. The Healthy Streets Approach is described as providing a framework for putting human health and experience at the heart of planning the city. According to MTS,  the Healthy Streets will help provide an attractive whole journey experience that will facilitate mode shift away from the car.

This project aims to understand how a whole journey perspective is implemented within an overarching transport authority with overall responsibility for coordinating multimodal urban transport. It will address the following research questions:

  • How does the organisational design of TfL, as a 'lead' organisation with overall responsibility for coordinating urban transport, support (or hinder) seamless whole journeys?
  • What factors support or hinder intra-organisational collaboration in pursuit of seamless whole journeys?
  • How does TfL’s Healthy Streets approach enable the adoption of a whole journey perspective that supports sustainable first and last mile accessibility?
Project manager: 
Research areas: 
Lunds universitet
350 000 kr