Samverkan vid planering och genomförande av åtgärder för ökat kollektivtrafikresande - jämförande fallstudie
Publications linked to this project
How to create functioning collaboration in theory and in practice – practical experiences of collaboration when planning public transport systems
Fredrik Pettersson & Robert Hrelja, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, published online 11 Oct 2018.
Learning through collaboration in the Swedish public transport sector? Co-production through guidelines and living labs
Pettersson, Westerdahl, Hansson. Research in Transportation Economics. Available online 20 July 2018
The Qualities Needed for a Successful Collaboration: A Contribution to the Conceptual Understanding of Collaboration for Efficient Public Transport
Hrelja, Pettersson, Westerdahl, Sustainability 2016, 8, 542.
Dömd till samverkan!
Hrelja, Pettersson, Westerdahl. K2 Outreach 2016:4. Lund 2016.