Incitament och utvärderingar för en förbättrad kollektivtrafik
Publications linked to this project
Evaluating bids on price and quality
Ivan Ridderstedt and Roger Pyddoke, K2 Working paper 2021:7
Penalties as incentives for punctuality and regularity in tendered Swedish public transport
Roger Pyddoke, Research of Transportation Economics, September 2020
The impact on bus ridership of passenger incentive contracts in public transport
Andreas Vigren, Roger Pyddoke, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, May 2020
Upphandling och kollektivtrafikavtal med incitament
Roger Pyddoke, K2 Outreach 2020:3, mars 2020
Penalties as incentives for punctuality and regularity in tendered Swedish public transport
Roger Pyddoke K2 Working Paper 2019:6
The impact on bus ridership of passenger incentive contracts in Swedish public transport
Andreas Vigren, Roger Pyddoke, K2 Working Papers 2019:3
Designing ridership incentives
Kristine Wika Haraldsen and Bård Norheim, 2018