This following special issue of the European Journal of Transport Infrastructure Research (EJTIR) containing 4 scientific papers is the result of the work conducted under the research project ‘National Transport Planning – Sustainability, Institutions and Tools’ (SUSTAIN) (2012- 2017) financed by the Danish Innovation Fund. SUSTAIN was coordinated by first the Department of Transport of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU Transport) and later as the result of a reorganisation of the transport research at DTU by the Department of Management Engineering (DTU Management Engineering). The project was carried out in cooperation with several Danish and international partners.
Promoting sustainability through national transport planning
M. B. Barfod, S. Leleur, H. Gudmundsson, C. H. Sørensen and C. Greve. (2018). Promoting sustainability through national transport planning. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research (EJTIR). Volume 18, Issue 3, online as of June 22th, 2018.
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