Introducing renewable fuel in public bus transport – challenges and opportunities

Malin Aldenius, International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport – 2017 - Stockholm, Sweden - Thredbo 15

The differences between type and share of renewable fuel in Swedish public bus transport is large today. A previous study showed that the differences between regions could possibly be related to regional context and choice of strategic approach. Therefore, the aim of this study is to further analyse the strategic approach for implementation of renewable fuel in ten Swedish transport regions, looking at how actors in the regions experience the challenges and opportunities with use of green public procurement as a tool to implement renewable fuels in relation to economical, geographical, organisational and political factors. The findings from this study confirms that functional requirements is the most cost efficient way to introduce renewable fuels, but at the same time it always results in the cheapest fuel, which today is biodiesel. If a region instead wants to create a market for production, use or infrastructure for a fuel such as biogas, they either have to use specific requirements or own the traffic themselves.

📂 Introducing renewable fuel in public bus transport – challenges and opportunities
Rapportkategori: Övrigt
Forskningsprojekt: Kollektivtrafikens strategiska styrning och omställningsförmåga