
K2 publishes reports of various kinds, mostly in Swedish. Filter "Articles" for English.


Strategic use of green public procurement in the bus sector: Challenges and opportunities

Malin Aldenius & Jamil Khan,Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017.

A novel approach to economic evaluation of infrastructure?—Examining the benefit analyses in the Swedish high-speed rail project

Erik Ronnle, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 2017.

Justifying mega-projects – An analysis of the Swedish high-speed rail project

Erik Ronnle, doctoral thesis, 2019.

Towards a capability approach to mobility – An analysis of disparities in mobility opportunities among older people

Jean Ryan, doctoral thesis, Lund University, 2019.

Spatiotemporal accessibility by public transport and time wealth: Insights from two peripheral neighbourhoods in Malmo, Sweden

Chiara Vitrano & Linnea Mellquist, Time & Society, 2022

Future Public Mobility - The next step for sustainable travel

Rådslaget, 2022.

Samverkan med effekter? Samverkansavtal mellan operatörer och regionala kollektivtrafikmyndigheter – så påverkas resande och kvalitet

Roger Pyddoke och Karin Thoresson, K2 Outreach 2022:1.

The role of meta-governance in public transport systems: A comparison of major urban regions in Denmark and England

Claus Hedegaard Sørensen, Lisa Hansson & Tom Rye. Transport Policy, 2023.