
K2 publishes reports of various kinds, mostly in Swedish. Filter "Articles" for English.


En kollektivtrafik för alla – en nulägesbeskrivning av forskning och utvecklingsprojekt inom funktionshinderområdet

Kristofer Hansson, Lena Levin, Gustav Lopez Svensson, Eva Månsson Lexell & Vanessa Stjernborg, K2 Working Paper 2023:8

Modelling and Simulating Demand-Responsive Transport

Sergei Dytckov, Licentiate thesis, Malmö University, 2023

Railway maintenance windows: Discrepancies between planning and practice in Sweden

Daria Ivina & Carl-William Palmqvist, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, November 2023

Social impact assessments (SIA) in larger infrastructure investments in Sweden; the view of experts and practitioners

Vanessa Stjernborg, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, September 2023

Factors that make public transport systems attractive: a review of travel preferences and travel mode choices

Jessica Göransson & Henrik Andersson, European Transport Research Review, September 2023

Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of the shared e-scooter–public transport relationships in Stockholm and Helsinki

Zijian Guo, Jian Liu, Pengxiang Zhao, Aoyong Li & Xintao Liu, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, September 2023

Not all green innovations are created equal: Consumer innovativeness and motivations in the adoption of shared micromobility

Phil Flores, Doctoral thesis, Lund University, 2023

Impact of a lower demand during the COVID-19 pandemic on the frequency of dwell time delays

Ruben Kuipers & Carl-William Palmqvist, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, September 2023