
K2 publishes reports of various kinds, mostly in Swedish. Filter "Articles" for English.


Integrating Gender into Transport Planning

Autors: Christina Scholten et al, Springer 2019

Sustainable Mobility in Swedish Cities

Jeff Kenworthy, K2 Working Papers 2019:1.

Mobility as a service: Comparing developments in Sweden and Finland

Göran Smith, Jana Sochor, Steven Sarasini, Research in Transportation Business & Management, June 2018

Networked authority and regionalised governance: Public transport, a hierarchy of documents and the anti-hierarchy of authorship

Alexander Paulsson, Karolina Isaksson, Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, Dec 2018

What’s mode got to do with it? Exploring the links between public transport and car access and opportunities for everyday activities among older people

Jean Ryan, K2, Lund University & Anders Wretstrand, Lund University. January 2019

Outcomes from new contracts with “strong” incentives for increasing ridership in bus transport in Stockholm

Roger Pyddoke, K2, VTI & Hanna Lindgren, Transportstyrelsen. Research in Transportation Economics Volume 69, September 2018, Pages 197-206

Evaluation of cost drivers within public bus transports in Sweden

Helene Lidestam, Carolina Camén and Björn Lidestam, Research in Transportation Economics Volume 69, September 2018, Pages 157-164

Influence of public bus transport organisation on the introduction of renewable fuel

Malin Aldenius, K2, Lund University Faculty of Engineering. Research in Transportation Economics Volume 69, September 2018, Pages 106-115