
K2 publishes reports of various kinds, mostly in Swedish. Filter "Articles" for English.


Same, same but different? Neighbourhood effects of accessibility on housing prices

Helena Bohman, Transport Policy, June 2021

Railway network design and regional labour markets in Sweden

Erik Johansson, Rosalia Camporeale and Carl-William Palmqvist, Research in Transportation Economics Volume 83, November 2020

Mobility as a service and public transport

Göran Smith, chapter in The Routledge Handbook of Public Transport, 2021

The role of consumer innovativeness and green perceptions on green innovation use: The case of shared e-bikes and e-scooters

Phil Flores, Johan Jansson, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, May 2021

Planning for Bus Priority

Claus H.Sørensen, Fredrik Pettersson, Joel Hansson, International Encyclopedia of Transportation, 2021, Pages 254-260

A Piece of the Puzzle: Essays on Accessibility, Transport Infrastructure and Distribution

Anders Bondemark, doctoral thesis, Lund University, May 2021

Soft measures to shift modality

Aldred Söderberg, doctoral thesis, Lund University, May 2021

What are we missing when we measure accessibility? Comparing calculated and self-reported accounts among older people

Jean Ryan and Rafael Pereira, Journal of Transport Geography, May 2021