
K2 publishes reports of various kinds, mostly in Swedish. Filter "Articles" for English.


Large increases in bus use in Sweden: lessons learned

Maria Börjesson, Margareta Friman, Masoud Fadaei. Handbook of Public Transport Research 2021.

Do small cities need more public transport subsidies than big cities?

Maria Börjesson, Chau Man Fung, Stef Proost, Zifei Yan. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 2019.

Do buses hinder cyclists or is it the other way around? Optimal bus fares, bus stops and cycling tolls

Maria Börjesson, Chau Man Fung, Stef Proost, Zifei Yana. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 2018.

Public transport: One mode or several?

Juan Manuel Lorenzo Varela, Maria Börjesson, Andrew Daly. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 2018.

Optimal prices and frequencies for buses in Stockholm

Maria Börjesson, Chau Man Fung, Stef Proost. Economics of Transportation 2017.

Passengers’ choices in multimodal public transport systems - A study of revealed behaviour and measurement methods

Ulrik Berggren, doctoral thesis, Lund University, November 2021

Risk and Approaches to Risk-Taking in Testbed Planning

Lina Berglund-Snodgrass, Planning Practice & Research 2021

Effects of rural bus stops on travel time and reliability

Joel Hansson, Fredrik Pettersson-Löfstedt, Helena Svensson and Anders Wretstrand, Public transport 2021