Evaluating the Efficiency of Bike-Sharing Stations with Data Envelopment Analysis

Leonardo Caggiani, Rosalia Camporeale, Zahra Hamidi and Chunli Zhao, Journal of Sustainability, January 2021

This paper focuses on the efficiency evaluation of bike-sharing systems (BSSs) and develops an approach based on data envelopment analysis (DEA) to support the decisions regarding the performance evaluation of BSS stations. The proposed methodology is applied and tested for the Malmöbybike BSS in Malmö, Sweden. This was done by employing spatial analyses and data about the BSS usage trends as well as taking into account transport, land use, and socioeconomic context of the case study. The results of the application demonstrate consistency with the literature and highlight meaningful associations between the station relative efficiency and the urban context. More specifically, the paper provides in-depth knowledge about the preprocessing data, selection of input and output variables, and the underlying analytical approach to be potentially applied to other cases and urban contexts. Overall, the DEA-based methodology presented in this study could assist decision-makers and planners with developing operational strategies for planning and management of BSS stations and networks.

📂 Evaluating the Efficiency of Bike-Sharing Stations with Data Envelopment Analysis
Report category: Vetenskapliga artiklar
Research project: Is escooter a desirable mode for future mobility?