Jean Ryan
Senior ResearcherPresentation
Jean Ryan’s research is focused on issues such as accessibility, transport justice, governance, planning processes and the climate transition, often with public transport and the role it plays in these contexts in focus. Since February 2024, Jean is based at the MAP (Mobility, Actors and Planning) at the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI). Jean has been active within K2 since 2013. She defended her thesis in March 2019 at Lund University and has since then conducted research as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate Senior Lecturer at Lund University/K2, as well as having worked as a consultant before starting her position at VTI.
Aaron Nichols, Jean Ryan, Carl-William Palmqvist, Journal of Transport Geography Volume 115, February 2024
Jean Ryan, Rafael H.M. Pereira, Magnus Andersson, Journal of Transport Geography, July 2023
Jean Ryan, doctoral thesis, Lund University, 2019.
Jean Ryan and Rafael Pereira, Journal of Transport Geography, May 2021
Jean Ryan, Anders Wretstrand and Steven M Schmidt, July 2019