Porträttfotografi på Eva-Lena Eriksson mot en suddig bakgrund som visar en kontorsmiljö.

Eva-Lena Eriksson

PhD student


Eva-Lena is a PhD candidate in Production Economics at Linköping University and K2. Her research project explores the potential to redistribute travel demand during peak hours in public transport through policy instruments at various levels. The aim is to examine the conditions for shifting public transport travel patterns, thereby reducing costs by decreasing the need for additional vehicles during peak periods.

The research focuses on ways to flatten peak demand, partly by investigating how individual behaviour can be influenced through nudging and increased awareness of peak-hour congestion, and partly by studying how strategic-level decisions can facilitate changes leading to a more balanced traffic flow and increased capacity. Ongoing studies focus on school start times—how they could be staggered and the potential effects of such measures.

