Alexander Paulsson
Alexander Paulsson (PhD, MA) is based at Lund University. He teaches and writes about bureaucracy, the politics of ecology, and the making and consequences of science and technology. Being trained in the fields of history, politics and business, he combines the study of the urban environment, administrative devices and ecological processes with the study of economic and political concepts. He has a long-standing interest in public transport and how public transport is organized through collaborative processes and market arrangements.
Lisa Hansson, Malin Aldenius, Alexander Paulsson, Karin Thoresson & Birgitta Vitestam, Research in Transportation Economics, September 2023
Alexander Paulsson & Till Koglin. Critical Sociology 2022.
Alexander Paulsson and Claus Hedegaard Sørensen, chapter in anthology Shaping smart mobility futures: governance and policy instruments in times of sustainability transitions, Emerald Publishing Limited, August 2020