Eplusbus – changeover to electric buses in Swedish public transport

Bus traffic is currently undergoing a rapid change, with electric buses being introduced at a rapid pace as the traffic contracts are renewed and in some cases already through existing agreements. The electrification is supported through government support (Urban Environment Agreement, Climate Change – to a limited extent, the Swedish Energy Agency – electric bus premium).In addition to technical challenges, electrification involves challenges and / or opportunities for: Electricity supply / power; Organization of bus traffic / circulation / depots etc.; Need to try review of contract designs and forms of procurement; An interaction with digitalisation / automation as well as community planning aspects, such as how bus traffic can be “woven into” in an attractive urban environment and how depots are located, designed and organized.The rapid pace of change means that it is important to study the changeover and to solve problems that can arise in order to achieve the most efficient and sustainable bus traffic as possible. The eplus bus project is mainly limited to case studies of city traffic in Sweden, either by introducing electric buses in single bus-service (larger cities) or by introducing electric buses in the entire vehicle fleet at one time (smaller cities). A sub-study of the project looks at other cities in the Nordic and Europe where other research projects are in progress, to make comparisons and exchange experiences. Key research topics in eplus bus are:• Business models – ownership, responsibility, planning, and optimization;• Procurement – scope, functional requirements, degrees of freedom;• Technology and infrastructure – depots and electricity supply;• Future – electric buses and smart mobility including digitalisation
