
A Swedish procurement database for public transport: An assessment of stakeholders, value and feasibility

There is currently no established platform for the PTAs to share lists of their procurements and information on how they were designed. Instead, PTAs and other interested parties must invest considerable time and effort to obtain a current overview over procurement practices across multiple regions.

This project is set to fill the knowledge gap about whether a Swedish procurement database for public transport is motivated and how it could be accomplished. For assessing this, knowledge must be gained about the expected benefits and costs, along with the preferences of the relevant stakeholders.

The motivations for initiating a collaborative procurement database for Swedish public transport are assessed based interviews and cooperation with stakeholders, a review of similar initiatives and databases, and a literature review on the potential benefits, costs, risks and organizational challenges associated with achieving well-functioning databases of this kind. Based on the findings, the motivations for a procurement database are assessed using an economic framework, weighting together benefits and costs under various assumptions of how the database is developed and used, and how these outcomes are distributed among the stakeholders.

Project leader: Ivan Ridderstedt, VTI

Also participating: Roger Pyddoke, VTI, samt Helene Lidestam, VTI/Linköpings universitet.