Understanding the drivers that can advance or block change towards sustainable collective mobility in urban planning practice
The purpose of this project is to to engage with the full range of actors involved at the ‘landscape’ and ‘regime’ levels in the urban system who have a stake in future urban structure. This is in order to understand the drivers that may advance or block change towards sustainable public mobility in urban planning practice.
We will ‘zoom out’ in order to gain overarching insights from the landscape level and ‘zoom in’ to consider these in dialogue with actors at the regime level within a specific local context. We will challenge institutional thinking by facilitating an accessibility approach which combines the provision of transport systems and networks, the distribution of land use activities and digital connectivity. This sits at the heart of unlocking the complexity of multi-scalar, multi actor governance in sustainable public mobility planning.
We employ a case study approach, focussing on Biskopsgården, Gothenburg and work with stakeholders tasked with responsibility for addressing mobility, land use planning and digitalisation. The team includes AB Framtiden, the municipal housing corporation in this district, which ensures ccoperation with local actors
The deliberative activities will provide valuable insights to societal issues and to the drivers for change (or impediments), some that must be locally addressed, some that require wider action. The deliberative process will provide for continuous learning and knowledge sharing thus equipping actors with analyses for supporting decision making, policy formulation and procedures that can create the conditions for shifts in land use and transport planning. The non-binding visioning exercises can be used as material for local actors to develop beyond this project. The method itself complements conventional, formal strategic planning processes, and offers a forum to bring a range of actors together to examine measures and policy interventions and how they would influence the different scenarios.
Project leader: Anders Larsson, Gothenburg University
Also participating: Carey Curtis, Gothenburg University, Russell Cannon, Lund University, och Staffan Claesson, AB Framtiden.