
Events for knowledge sharing

At K2, we regularly organise knowledge lunches and research seminars, where you, as a researcher, can present and discuss your work. In addition to these recurring events, we also support other initiatives that promote knowledge exchange. As a K2 researcher, you are expected to actively engage in our research environment by presenting, collaborating, and organising activities. Do you have an idea for an event? Get in touch – we’ll help make it happen!

K2 Knowledge lunches

K2’s digital knowledge lunches provide researchers with the opportunity to present their findings to industry professionals. These presentations are designed for a broader audience outside academia and follow a popular science format. The primary target group is practitioners in Sweden, which is why presentations are mainly held in Swedish. To ensure accessibility and relevance, presentations should be easy to understand, even for those without a research background.

Research seminars

K2 research seminars offer a platform for researchers to present and discuss new or ongoing research with fellow academics. Unlike knowledge lunches, these seminars are aimed at an academic audience. The purpose is to develop K2’s research across organisational and disciplinary boundaries by facilitating knowledge exchange and discussions on ongoing studies. Seminars may, for example, be based on a recent publication and are conducted in English when needed.

Would you like to organise an activity? Don’t hesitate to get in touch!