Chunli Zhao
Associate senior lecturerPresentation
Chunli Zhao received her PhD degree in comprehensive bicycle transport planning from University of Copenhagen in 2017 and held then a post-doc position at K2 and Lund University. Her main research interest focuses on travel behaviour in relation to individual factors, urban form, societal environment and planning culture. Her ongoing research focuses on users’ responses to the service attributes of free-floating bikes sharing scheme, e-scooters and self-driving shuttle buses, and their potential roles as last miles solution for facilitating the public transport as a more attractive mode for different social groups.
Jinchao Song, Chunli Zhao, Tao Lin, Xinhu Li and Alexander V. Prishchepov, chapter in Journal of Cleaner Production, November 2019
Leonardo Caggiani, Rosalia Camporeale, Zahra Hamidi and Chunli Zhao, Journal of Sustainability, January 2021
Chunli Zhao, Jean Ryan and Anders Wretstrand, K2 Working paper 2021:2
Zahra Hamidi and Chunli Zhao, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, November 2020
Jinchao Song, Xiaoye Tong, Lizhe Wang, Chunli Zhao, Alexander V. Prishchepov, Landscape and Urban Planning May 2019
Jinchao Song, Chunli Zhao, Shaopeng Zhong, Thomas Alexander Sick Nielsen, Alexander V. Prishchepov, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 77, September 2019