Åse Jevinger
Åse Jevinger is an associate professor in Computer Science at Malmö University. Her research concerns digitalization within logistics and public transport, with a particular focus on system architectures, information flow and information needs in Internet of Things-based systems. Åse has been an active K2 researcher since 2015 and has been working as a project leader of the K2 project: Towards integrated and adaptive public transport (2020-2022), focusing on on-demand public transport. In addition to her research, Åse is also the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Technology and Society at Malmö University.
Chunli Zhao, Mengtian Xue & Zahra Hamidi, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, June 2024.
Oscar Askfelt and Karl Hamnebo, Malmö University, Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), spring 2021.
Sergei Dytckov, Fabian Lorig, Johan Holmgren, Paul Davidsson, and Jan A Persson. Conference paper. 4th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems, Virtual Event, December, 2020
Sergei Dytckov, Jan A. Persson, Fabian Lorig & Paul Davidsson. Sustainability. March 2022.
Sergei Dytckov, Fabian Lorig, Paul Davidsson, Johan Holmgren and Jan A Persson, International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, November 2020
Åse Jevinger, Jan Persson, Sustainability 2019, 11(6)