Transit oriented development (TOD) – a literature review

Robert Hrelja, Lina Olsson, Fredrik Pettersson-Löfstedt and Tom Rye, K2 Research 2020:2, December 2020

The report presents an international literature review on Transit Oriented Development (TOD) research carried out in order to frame the research problem and gaps for a research project that is to be carried out largely in the Swedish context. The literature searches of peer-reviewed articles, literature reviews, and conference papers were carried out in the bibliographic databases Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science based on keywords selected by the project team. The report presents definitions of TOD, the application of the TOD concept in semiperipheral, peripheral and rural areas, the role of the private sector in delivering TOD, as well as best practice examples, including enabling processual planning factors, barriers and outcomes. It then identifies research gaps that are related to the above topics. Based on the findings of the literature review, the report suggests an outline for future research.

📂 Transit oriented development (TOD) - a literature review
Report category: K2-rapporter
Research project: Transit Oriented Development (TOD) i tidiga planeringsskeden – förbättrade verktyg för att hantera samverkansutmaningar och den privata sektorns intressen