Delivering Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in low to medium density contexts. Actor relationships and market conditions in smaller Swedish cities

Robert Hrelja & Tom Rye, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, November 2023

This article analyses actor relationships in Transit Oriented Development (TOD) planning in order to better understand the preconditions necessary for planning processes to result in TOD in lower density contexts, in suburbs, or small cities. Empirically, the analysis builds on a comparative case study of TOD planning projects. The focus in the analytical work is on understanding how market conditions in lower density contexts influence the conditions for TOD planning projects, and how this feeds through to planning processes. The overall conclusion is that we should not expect that planning processes in small cities with low to medium densities of populations and activities differ much from those in more ‘classic’ highly urban TOD locations. Market conditions had an impact on planning processes, but once in the planning stage conditions for implementation depended more on the ability to handle competing interests and less on market conditions. In terms of policy recommendations, it is important for actors to develop a joint vision of the built environment of the site in question that channels organizations’ individual actions in a joint direction. The ability to achieve such a joint vision for the design of the site in question may be more important in small towns than in more ‘typical’ TOD contexts in denser urban areas. This is because all enablers need to work together in a positive way in such location – which may be marginal from a market point of view – for the development to be able to go ahead.

📂 Delivering Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in low to medium density contexts. Actor relationships and market conditions in sm
Rapportkategori: Vetenskapliga artiklar
Forskningsprojekt: Transit Oriented Development (TOD) i tidiga planeringsskeden – förbättrade verktyg för att hantera samverkansutmaningar och den privata sektorns intressen