Handbook of Transportation and Public Policy

Robert Hrelja, Claus Hedegaard, Fredrik Pettersson-Löfstedt Sørensen, Dalia Mukhtar-Landgren, Karolina Isaksson, Linnea Eriksson, mfl.

This cutting-edge Handbook explores the many ways in which politics influences transportation policy, planning and implementation, as well as the effects of transportation on political processes. It rigorously analyses the complex interrelation between administration, politics and transportation, presenting theoretical and empirical insights into the governance approaches required to advance transportation’s contribution to social and ecological wellbeing.

Several researchers from K2 have contributed to this handbook:

  • Chapter 8: Collaboration as a mode of transport governance: definitions, conditions and actor interactions
    Robert Hrelja
  • Chapter 9: Limits to collaboration in public transport: a typology
    Claus Hedegaard Sørensen and Fredrik Pettersson-Löfstedt
  • Chapter 10: The organisational dimensions and paradoxes of smart mobility pilots
    Dalia Mukhtar-Landgren
  • Chapter 23: Transforming transport planning: on ‘strife’ as a starting point for change
    Karolina Isaksson and Linnea Eriksson

📂 Link to publication
Report category: Övrigt
Research project: Att samverka eller inte – gränser för samverkan i kollektivtrafiken