Welcome to Lund University's Agenda 2030 Award ceremony, where K2 researcher Phil Flores will receive this year's honourable mention!
Wednesday April 10th at 15.00 to 16.30
14.45 Mingle with snacks and climate-inspired music by the Malmö trio Changes now!
15.00 The award ceremony begins and there will be presentations of the winner and honourable mentions:
This year's winner Christie Nicoson, PhD student at the Department of Political Science and the Agenda 2030 Graduate School, will talk about her research on climate change, gender and peace.
This year's honourable mention Alezini Loxa defended her PhD in autumn 2023 at the Faculty of Law and the Agenda 2030 Graduate School. She talks about her thesis on EU migration from a sustainability perspective.
This year's honourable mention Phil Flores graduated in autumn 2023 from the School of Economics and the Agenda 2030 Graduate School. He talks about his thesis on micromobility such as electric scooters from a green innovation perspective.